• Mental Health

Mental Health

Positive mental health and wellbeing is just as important as physical health. We aim to promote positive wellbeing and mental health for children, staff and families in our school.  Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social wellbeing. It can affect how we behave, think and feel. 

Lynn Rooney is our senior mental health lead, and Fiona Ritson is our mental health first aider. Mental health and wellbeing is a standing item at our staff and our governor meetings, to support staff in our school. 

We know each child in our school incredibly well and ensure that we maintain an open and caring dialogue with each one about how they are and whether they have any worries or concerns or need any support with their mental health. 

Here are some useful links and websites that support mental health and wellbeing:

Mind offers support with mental health. 
or 0300 123 3393

Young Minds offers support for young people with their mental health. or text YM to 85258 if you need urgent help

NHS mental health services

Spiral is an anti-bullying charity that supports young people in Cumbria. or 01228 642 640

E-School Nurse Video Clinics are held twice a week providing online health support and advice for parents, carers and professionals supporting children aged 5-19.
 or 0300 30 34 365