• News


New school year!

New school year!Sept 7, 2022

The children and staff have all returned to school, raring to go! We're looking forward to starting our new topic of learning 'Beneath our feet'.    [ Read more ... ]

Carlisle Visit

Carlisle VisitJun 15, 2022

The children in year six attended Carlisle Cathedral for the 2022 leaver's service. It was a very special occasion, where they joined with ...   [ Read more ... ]

JIgsaw children's hospice visit

JIgsaw children's hospice visitFeb 25, 2022

Vicki from Jigsaw children's hospice visited school today, to present the children with their medals, for raising over £300 by doing the ...   [ Read more ... ]

Bardon Mil pottery and Vindolanda visits

Bardon Mil pottery and Vindolanda visitsFeb 23, 2022

The children learned about what it is like to be a potter, during their visit to Bardon Mill pottery. They all carved their name into a pot, ...   [ Read more ... ]

Roving Reporters top tips!

Roving Reporters top tips!Feb 4, 2022

All children enjoyed a visit from Cumberland News reporter Ollie Rawlinson on Friday. Ollie stayed to meet our Roving Reporters after school ...   [ Read more ... ]