• News


Supper Club!

Supper Club!Sept 15, 2022

The first supper club took place after school today. The children made vegetable korma and fruit kebabs with a yoghurt and maple syrup dip. All ...   [ Read more ... ]

School closure

School closureSept 13, 2022

Following the recent government announcement, school will be closed on Bank Holiday Monday 19th September, for the state funeral of our Queen ...   [ Read more ... ]

Welcome to reception

Welcome to receptionSept 9, 2022

A very big welcome to Harry and Elsie, who are now full-time members of the Walton and Lees Hill CE Primary School family. They have had a ...   [ Read more ... ]

Our Queen Elizabeth ll

Our Queen Elizabeth llSept 9, 2022

We were extremely sad to hear that our Queen passed away yesterday. We held a special time of worship this morning, opened our school book of ...   [ Read more ... ]

Hadrian's Wall 1900 years

Hadrian's Wall 1900 yearsSept 8, 2022

Today, all children in school made a sail for the art installation created for the Hadrian's Wall celebrations taking place this year. Thank you ...   [ Read more ... ]