• Curriculum


Our school curriculum at Walton & Lees Hill CE Primary School is considered and ensures that the children’s learning in the key skills is applied and developed across the curriculum.

The school provides a broad and balanced curriculum following the Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum requirements, designed to inspire and motivate our children. Subject leaders closely monitor progression through the key stages.

Working through a series of carefully planned, well balanced topics gives the opportunity for every child to succeed and develop their strengths, capabilities and their knowledge. Topics have a subject focus with cross curricular links to increase relevance and depth of understanding. Maths and English are taught separately to ensure progression and skills learnt are applied to other subjects.

Teaching methods vary, appropriate to the curricular activity and the learning style of the children. Assessment is an integral part of the planning process and is ongoing throughout the school year. Rigorous monitoring and assessment ensures progress of all pupils is tracked and support or extension activities are provided accordingly.

We encourage all children to reach their full potential across the curriculum, regardless of age, sex, race or ability by aiming to develop positive attitudes and promoting enjoyment and fascination of every subject through interesting, stimulating and varied tasks.

