• Meet the Governors

Meet the Governors

The Full Governing Body meet at least once per term. There are three sub-committees which discuss their areas of responsibility during the FGB.

The chair of Governors - J. Scouler, Chair and M. Alston, Vice Chair

The sub-committees are ...

  • Finance -  L. Irving, F. Stobbart , J. Scouler and L. Rooney
  • Teaching and Learning - F. Ritson (chair), M. Alston, F. Stobbart and L. Rooney
  • Health & Safety - F. Ritson, F. Stobbart 

If you would like more information about the role of the Governing Body or, how to become a Governor, please contact the Clerk to Governors, Ms Beth Robinson.  clerk@leeshill.cumbria.sch.uk

Joss Scouler

Joss ScoulerParent Governor (Chair to Governors)

I live in Walton where we run our family bunkhouse business welcoming guests from around the world walking the Hadrian’s wall. I really enjoy travelling, hiking, rowing and cycling!

Mary Alston

Mary AlstonFoundation Governor (Vice Chair of Governors)

An ex Headteacher of two local schools, member of Talkin Church PCC and the Safeguarding Officer for the Church. Hobbies include: Learning Spanish, being part of a local A Cappella choir and dog walking.

Lynn Rooney

Lynn RooneyStaff Governor (Head Teacher)

I have been part of WLHS since 2017. I live in Gilsland with my family and enjoy walking in the Lake District and along the Hadrian's Wall. I love reading and attend a book club. Hobbies include gardening, art and craft and lifelong learning.

Fiona Stobbart

Fiona StobbartStaff Governor (KS1 and SENCO Lead)

I've been a member of the school team since 2006 and love the supportive family feel in our wonderful, rural area. I live in Talkin with my husband and two children, who all enjoy farming life. Music has been a big part of my life since I was 6 years old. That's when I started learning to play the accordion and recently, I have started to learn how to play the flute.

Fiona Ritson

Fiona RitsonCo-opted Governor

I live on a farm in West Hall with my husband and two children and have been involved with WLHS since 2008. My many hobbies include: sewing, knitting, reading, gardening and music.

Laura Irving

Laura IrvingParent Governor

I am a Parent Governor also Chair of our PFTA. I take an active role in promoting our wonderful school and organising fundraising events alongside the rest of the team. My hobbies include horse riding and helping on the family farm alongside a busy family / work life .

Karen Booth

Karen BoothCo-opted Governor

Bethany Robinson

Bethany RobinsonClerk to Governors

I started off as a Parent Governor before being promoted to Clerk to Governors. I have 2 young children that attend Walton and Lees Hill School. I enjoy spending as much time with my family as possible, filled with lots of fun days out. I love being part of the WLH school family.

Ned Rawlings

Ned RawlingsParent Governor


Vacancy Foundation Governor

LA Governor Vacancy

LA Governor VacancyLA Governor


Vacancy Co-opted Governor

Governor Downloads